June 24, 2011

Happy Friday Folks!

'Tis yet another lovely Friday. With that comes a dose of me. This week I will be bringing you music, movies, and music (a whole lot actually). Firstly is Meese. The band broke up sometime last year, but they had a single called "Next In Line" that I rediscovered on my iPod and I just dig it to death.
Movie? Hands down my pick of the week is Columbia Pictures' "Bad Teacher". I will see it today, and maybe tomorrow. That is all.
More music you say, eh? I give you Crossfade and Scattered Trees. Crossfade's newest album, "We All Bleed" is available for a full listen right now. It stays pretty true to the band's angsty, chemical craving induced music. Worth a listen if light metal/ hard rock is your thing. Scattered Trees is relatively new to me. They have an LP out called "Sympathy", so good. The title track and "Four Days Straight" are superb.

Hope the weekend's all you want it to be and more. Hasta semana.

June 10, 2011

I can't even pretend to talk about how sorry I am. Life got in the way and things just trailed off a little bit; good news is, now I'm back. For the newer followers that don't know me, here's a slight introduction to who I am.

Alex, hey there. 22, CA native in the LA region. Student. Teacher. Drinker. Lover. Artist in my own right. Love fully, don't trust easily. Reader. Believer. Sister. Daughter. Friend.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, a few things you can expect from me: new music from indie bands, movie info, and probably some sort of photography or an old painting I love. Because I've been gone for so long, it is only appropriate to include all of the above.
Musically I've gotten into experimental type music lately. The latest group I've fallen in love with has been KI: Theory. Currently they have a download of their newest mixtape song, HowVeryDare as well as the older album, Arms for Legs. It's amazing, trust me.
On the movie front, I actually have two. One is currently making festival rounds, the other is set to be released later this winter. Both take a very powerful stance to culturally specific ideals, yet an open mind will be able to appreciate both. Won't give away much what's going on in them because you can get the gist in the trailers. Enjoy.

In the way of photography and painting, I'll get back to you on later. Happy Friday!!!