January 07, 2011

Good To Be In The New Year

'Tis my first post of the new year. I wrestled back and forth with what to include this lovely afternoon. My first posts included art and photography, I've offered up some music, and quite a few film recommendations. So what to do to start myself on the right foot this year? I think I'll go with music, and oh do I have so much to share

First up is a band I found recently called Geographer. These guys have an amazing album "Animal Shapes," which had blown my mind in the way of experimental alternative music. I can't even explain what they sound like, they just are. You have to give 'Kites' a listen to understand. You'll like it if you dig my previous suggestions, trust me

Next up are these guys Parachute Musical. This piano fronted Nashville via D.C. based band has all the makings of soulful indie pop. 'One More Song' has an arrangement unlike anything I've heard in a while and I kind of love it

Finally today for you I have the lovely band Daestro. I've been a fan for a minute or two and have found their progression over time to be one of the reasons I've stuck around. Occasionally a band changes themselves and lose the essence of what makes them fans. These guys have done it right. Their growth has allowed me to grow with them. My favorite of the moment is 'Vermillion Plaza.'

I'll be back to write for you lovely people next Friday

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