January 01, 2011

In light of the new year:

Time. It is a big deal, no? The recent holiday has served to make us more aware of the passing of time, something we generally take for granted. Whether we believe this coming year to be a fresh start, or just a continuation of a natural happening, we are acknowledging our place in the fourth dimension to some degree. Time is a dimension that we cannot directly interact with, yet are still within. This fact makes time a big concept in a lot of art, literature, and film. Here are a few of what I consider to be rather excellent.

Donnie Darko

Nothing like a schizophrenic boy a his giant rabbit friend.

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Mark Twain

A man wakes up after a knock to the head and finds himself in the era of Arthur.

City of God - Augustine

Augustine stresses the liner property of time, among other things. Even if you are not religious, it is an interesting read.

12 Monkeys

Mysterious virus wipes out most of humanity, guy travels back in time to avert crisis, you know, the usual.

The Time Machine - H.G. Wells

A scientist travels into the future, and encounters cannibals! And it is a movie too, if you don't like to read.

A Wrinkle in Time - Madeleine L'Engle

Two children go searching for their father, who has learned to bend time in order to travel through space.


  1. _A Wrinkle in Time_ is still pone of my favorite novels, ever. I first heard it in 5th grade. Yes, heard it; about a dozen kids in my class wanted to check the only copy of either this or _Harriet the Spy_out of the school library, so the teacher asked if we were too old to be read to. It went so well she read us the other of the two. She read us a few pages every day or so. We may have done a couple of other books this way; I don't recall. But I still have these (plus many more of L'Engle's books) and reread them regularly.

    I enjoyed the movie as well. Too bad they never did the sequels.

  2. My father read A Wrinkle in Time to me when I was very young. I love that book, mostly because it is a charming story, yet deals with larger metaphysical issues.

  3. 12 Monkeys looks really interesting! I think I need to see it.
