October 23, 2010

I have one word for you.


I mean, who doesn't like babies? (Anybody who does not like babies can line up to the left, the firing squad will be arriving shortly.) They are cute (generally), they are soft, and the development of their brains is
absolutely fascinating. I mean, the neuro-anatomy alone is amazing. For example, the clump of blood vessels that attach the brain to the skull are so delicate that that even a sudden movement can cause hemorrhaging, yet somehow everything still stays together. The release of serotonin that occurs every time the baby hears or sees their mother, the fact that the same minuscule processes are going on inside the brain of this infant as in the brain of his mother, is beautiful.

Sorry, I guess you can tell I am a neuroscience major.

Anyway, back to my original point: babies. More specifically,

Babies is a documentary that follows the lives and development of four children in different cities around the world. You are privileged with this unfiltered look into the lives of four families in San Fransisco, Opuwo, Tokyo, and Bayanchandmani, from birth up until their first steps. We see how they are all cared for and loved unconditionally, even while they grow and develop in environments that could not be more different. Except Mari and Hattie both have cats. Look at the kittieeeesss!

I like Mari's cat better. It looks like my Bowsik. Except Boz is black and white. But still FLUFFY AND GORGEOUS. Sorry. I am really off-topic today. Learn to embrace the tangent.

Anyway. Babies is an amazing film, and even if you don't like babies (the firing squad is almost here, stay to the left) you can appreciate the anthropological elements of the film. It is a stunning and unfiltered look at the lives of normal people around the world.


  1. ooooh! Sounds like a nifty movie!

  2. Oh my goodness! I want to see this so bad now.

  3. it is amazing. if you have not seen it by the time i visit, we should watch it then ^_^

  4. I watched it, just because you told me to, and I there was so much squee.~

    The Mongolian baby has a cat too, btw.

  5. I am glad you squeed too, Farkas. I forgot about the Mongolian kitty.
