October 07, 2010

An Introducton of Sorts + There's a Flower in my Pedal by Andrea Dorfman

The idea for this blog has been tumbling around the vast amount of space in my head for a long time. I'm so excited to see it solidifying into a real, tangible thing. This blog is going to be a place filled with commentaries, creative pieces and photo-essays revolving around pieces of art, literature, poems, films and shows.

Additionally, I am very excited to say that five super intelligent, unique writers are going to be co-blogging with me.

My name is Bethany and I'm going to be writing for Wednesdays. I live in Chicago, where my life revolves around a costume store and a campaign office. When I am not at either of those places- drawing, writing, assembling collages and snapping pictures of ordinary things at odd angles takes up the rest of my time.

Art is something that I've always been passionate about. I love discovering new books, authors, artists, albums and film directors. I feel that every individual who expresses themselves artistically creates a window in which others can see the way that he or she sees the world. To me, this is powerful because I don't think that humans in general share feelings, fears, hopes and heartaches with one another nearly enough.

Today I'm going to leave you with a short film entitled. "There's a Flower in my Pedal" by Canadian artist and filmmaker, Andrea Dorfman.

"...an eighty year old woman said
that, if she could do it all again,
she would live her life backwards
so the beginning was the end.."

This poem never ceases to make me happy. I say never ceases, because I've watched it a million times.
I love the way that Dorfman calls attention to huge things, such as self-image and regretting mistakes, while celebrating tiny things that so many people forget to observe.


  1. Fantastic, honest video. The best poems are the ones that bring to light the unnoticeables and in doing so make us remember what we have forgotten. You are dead on about that. Keep up the good work!

  2. Great vid! Poetic, thoughtful, right on. Thanks for posting this! jody

  3. I absolutely adore Andrea Dorfman.
