October 11, 2010

The One With the Purple Hat

Greetings! I am the super special college student known as Bekah Farkas who will be filling your Tuesdays with nonsense. I’m nineteen years old and I’ve been writing for five years now with varied success. Currently I’m working on a novel that is very near completion. What’s it about? It’s incredibly hard for me not to answer “exploding gerbils.” You get the best greatest looks when you say that to people. My passions besides writing include purple, cats and anime. You’ll notice that I have a slightly obsessive personality. Once I attach myself to something I stay attached. The best example of this is in my love of the color purple which has consumed my life completely. From clothes to décor I have completely immersed myself in it. I occasionally think about going into rehab for it but that would require admitting I have a problem and who wants to do that?

Writing is my thing, usually in the form of rants. I started blogging two months ago and have been updating daily ever since. For you I will be sharing my opinions of fantasy novels and manga. If I’m feeling particularly lazy or by some strange unnatural occurrence have written something new I will share with you my short stories. I might even link you to one of my longer pieces so I can rant about that. I’d also like to examine the different styles and methods of writing at some point. I dislike writing poetry so I will avoid that topic as much as possible. I will leave you with the words of S. Morgenstern: “Life is pain… anybody that says different is selling something.” Three points and a preen if you can tell me what novel it’s from and who said it.


  1. Oh oh oh ohhhhhhh I know this one :D

    The Princess Bride. Westley said it to Buttercup.

  2. So close Kate! In the novel, though, it was Fezzik's mother who said it.

  3. oh damn. i totally should have known that. this is what i get for watching the movie so much.
